风风雨雨 | Fēng Fēng Yǔ Yù

(fēng yǔ) means "wind and rain". (fēng fēng yǔ yù) means "continuous wind and rain" and is an idiom for obstacles, turbulent times and hardship, especially those that can and will be endured. Just as the wind and rain can be hardships to endure, 风风雨雨 will pass and make you stronger because of the experience.

Usage Examples:
"我经历风风雨雨,越过艰难坎坷." | "I have experienced troubles and undergone frustrations."
"爱能够经受生命中的风风雨雨,除了一样一忽略." | "Love thrives in the face of all of life's hazards, save one: neglect."